Artworks developed from photos of everyday life, they are about details of simply elements that relate to day-by-day : hydrants, windows, doors, flags, animals, sidewalks, poles, barks, floors, landscapes, beaches, streets, patterns, cobogós sky, asphalt, buildings, plants, etc.. These references are rearranged and positioned freely in creating a new way to view these urban spaces, without commitment to reality, proportion, perspective or truth.
segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011
terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2011
segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2011
Technical information sheet
Topic: Travel
Background photo: Praia Açores, Florianópolis - SC complemented withreferences to the work of photographer Leroy Grannis Surf Photography inBook Of The 1960s And 1970s, Jim Heimann( -1970s/dp/382284859X).
Texture: Pattern was developed inspired by cobogós.
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Fifties - 2011 Fine Art Prints on Canvas 130 x 130 cm |
Ficha técnica
Tema: Viagem
Foto do fundo: Praia Açores, Florianópolis – SC, complementado com referências do trabalhos do fotógrafo Leroy Grannis no livro Surf Photography Of The 1960s And 1970s, Jim Heimann ( ).
Textura: Padronagem desenvolvida inspirada nos cobogós.
sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2011
quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011
Ribeirão da Ilha
Technical information
Theme: Places
Background photo: Photo of Porto do Contrato's restaurant, Ribeirão da Ilha, Florianopolis, Brazil. It was taken at night with ambient light. The result of the photo has brought impressionist tones. The artwork was supplemented with elements of Van Gough, as the vase of sunflowers, chair of the bedroom and his boots.
Theme: Places
Background photo: Photo of Porto do Contrato's restaurant, Ribeirão da Ilha, Florianopolis, Brazil. It was taken at night with ambient light. The result of the photo has brought impressionist tones. The artwork was supplemented with elements of Van Gough, as the vase of sunflowers, chair of the bedroom and his boots.
Texture: The texture was extracted from the bands of color photos and sinuously worked horizontally.
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Ribeirão da Ilha - 2011 Fine Arts Prints on Canvas 80 x 130 cm |
Ficha técnica
Tema: Lugares
Foto do fundo: Foto do restaurante Porto do Contrato, Ribeirão da Ilha, Florianópolis, Brasil. Tirada a noite com a luz do ambiente. O resultado da foto trouxe tons impressionistas. A foto foi complementada com elementos do Van Gough, como o vaso de Gira-sois, a cadeira do quarto e as botas.
Textura: A textura são faixas de cores extraídas da foto e trabalhadas sinuosamente na horizontal.
quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2011
Technical information
Theme: Architecture
Background photo: Two photos were used at different angles of the same church situated in Milan, Italy. These pictures were mixed to recreate an unrealistic perspective, another look into the same building.
Texture: The texture used was a detail of Byzantine mosaic gold tones, it was decomposed to print an illusion of a golden glow, even so only using matte color
Theme: Architecture
Background photo: Two photos were used at different angles of the same church situated in Milan, Italy. These pictures were mixed to recreate an unrealistic perspective, another look into the same building.
Texture: The texture used was a detail of Byzantine mosaic gold tones, it was decomposed to print an illusion of a golden glow, even so only using matte color
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Milan - 2011 Fine Arts Prints on Canvas 130 x 130 cm |
Ficha técnica
Tema: Arquitetura
Foto do fundo: Foram trabalhadas duas fotos em ângulos diferentes da mesma igreja situada em Milão, Italia. Essas fotos foram mescladas para recriar uma perspectiva irreal, um outro olhar para o mesmo prédio.
Textura: A textura usada foi um detalhe do mosaico dourado com tons bizantinos, ele foi decomposto para imprimir uma ilusão de brilho dourado, mesmo apenas conter cores opacas.
terça-feira, 12 de abril de 2011
Flamengo Facade (Fachada no Flamengo)
Technical information
Theme: Architecture x Man
Background photo: Door of the facade of a building at Flamengo Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The building has been worked with concrete and reflections of Miami Beach, USA. The windows that complements were photographed at Congonhas Airport, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
The human figure has been treated with the texture of bark.
Theme: Architecture x Man
Background photo: Door of the facade of a building at Flamengo Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The building has been worked with concrete and reflections of Miami Beach, USA. The windows that complements were photographed at Congonhas Airport, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
The human figure has been treated with the texture of bark.
Texture: Concrete and stone mosaic floor
Tema: Arquitetura x Homem
Foto do fundo: Porta da fachada de um edifício na praia do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
O prédio foi trabalhando com revestimento de concreto com reflexos de Miami Beach. USA. As esquadrias que complementam são do Aeroporto de Congonhas, São Paulo, Brasil.
A figura humana foi tratada com textura de casca de árvore.
A figura humana foi tratada com textura de casca de árvore.
Textura: Concreto aparente e piso de mosaico de pedra portuguesa.
sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011
Technical information
Theme: Sandal
Background photo: Beira-Mar Norte, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Central figure: Model naked on Modernist furniture. Surroundings with apanel drawing with cobogós sandals. Front panel of sandals. It complements the design, reflections and shine.
Theme: Sandal
Background photo: Beira-Mar Norte, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Central figure: Model naked on Modernist furniture. Surroundings with apanel drawing with cobogós sandals. Front panel of sandals. It complements the design, reflections and shine.
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Sandal (Sandália) - 2011 Fine Art Prints on Canvas 80 x 130 cm |
Ficha técnica
Tema: Sandália
Foto do fundo: Beira-Mar Norte, Florianópolis, Santa Catariana, Brasil.
Figura central: Modelo nua sobre mobiliário modernista. Entorno com painél de cobogós com desenho de sandálias. Painel frontal de sandálias. Complementa o desenho, reflexos e brilhos. quarta-feira, 6 de abril de 2011
Technical information sheet
Theme: Animals
Photo Central: Trunk Eucalyptus
Background photo: Zebra, treated with different textures: trunk, sunset,sawed wood. All zebras look to the same point, a danger signal.
Theme: Animals
Photo Central: Trunk Eucalyptus
Background photo: Zebra, treated with different textures: trunk, sunset,sawed wood. All zebras look to the same point, a danger signal.
Tema: Animais
Foto Central: Tronco de Eucalipto
Foto Central: Tronco de Eucalipto
Foto do fundo: Zebra, tratada com diferentes texturas: tronco, por-do-sol, madeira serrada. Todas olham para o mesmo ponto, sinal de perigo.
segunda-feira, 4 de abril de 2011

Ficha técnica
Tema: Lugares
Foto do fundo: Sitges, Espanha
Figura central: Placa da rua “Carrer de L’1 de Maig de 1838”. Na foto original da placa foi substituído o fundo branco original por uma foto da vista da praia com a ”Iglesia de San Bartolomé y Santa Tecla” ou fundo. Foi adicionada à placa antiga, uma segunda moldura com o desenho do Iphone.
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